Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Update: Five Points Flea & Agape Glitter & Glam Fashion Show

This past weekend was filled with friends and fashion; I wish it wasn't over.

On Saturday I attended a brunch at a friends and took my first stab at baking bread. I had recently purchased a Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook and have been obsessed with trying new recipes ever since. My homemade Cranberry Cinnamon Walnut bread was a hit, and accompanied the breakfast scramble and orange-pineapple refreshments nicely.

After scarfing down a few slices of this delicious treat, I headed over to the Five Points Flea Market with a girlfriend.  The event was held both Saturday and Sunday at Billups / The Building. We arrived around 2:00 and I was a little surprised there wasn't a larger turnout. About ten or so people browsed through predominately vintage clothing racks and eyed hand-made jewelry. I'm sure there were people in and out both days, but while my friend and I were there, it was a little slow. Despite that, the beats were kickin' and the clothes adorable. I fell in love with a few dresses, but nevertheless, they weren't my size. My friend made some good scores on a few items, but we decided to head out after a half hour. Here are some of the shots I took while I was there: 

 After the Flea Market, my friend and I headed to Marshall's in an attempt to find cheap barware. While I found a great book on 114 drinks (including my favorite cocktail- the French 75, and coincidently what I order every time I hit up Bar 308), no martini glasses were found. However, I did have to snap a picture of this ridiculous looking cookbook- somehow NOT on the clearance aisle- at the discount retailer. 1996, holler! 
The night capped off with a delicious gyro and feta cheese pizza from my local mom and pop pizza store, and cracking up to Mel Brooks' classic, Blazing Saddles. 

Sunday was spent reorganizing my kitchen cabinets in anticipation of the absurd amount of barware and serving dishes I just ordered from CB2, and attending the Agape Glitter & Glam Fashion Show

How cool (har, har, no pun intended) is this ice sculpture?

This was the third annual Glitter & Glam: A Wine Tasting and Fashion Show for the Animals hosted by the charity animal rescue group, and the first I have been able to attend. Sure, covering a doggie couture fashion show may be a little Veronica Corningston-ish, but this event was classy, tasteful, and most importantly, for an excellent cause.

Agape Animal Rescue’s mission is to “find forever homes for rescued or displaced dogs and educate people to be responsible pet owners.” I am a HUGE animal lover (I’m going to go ahead and admit it- I’m a total cat person), so I was thrilled to attend a charity fashion event where proceeds benefit a worthy cause. Agape Animal Rescue is always looking for dedicated people to foster or adopt dogs, or volunteer or donate to the rescue. If you’re interested in fostering, but don’t have the disposable income, don’t worry- Agape Animal Rescue has you covered. You supply the love and attention to a foster dog, and the rescue provides the rest! And if you’ve got some extra cash lying around, donate to Agape- its tax deductible!

Hosted by Better Nashville’s Kacy Hagerty, Glitter & Glam featured a variety of wines, tasty hors d’oeuvres, a live and silent auction of goods worth $15,000, and fashion show. I bid on a few silent auction items, including a $100 gift certificate to Wolford tights, but was outbid on all items. I guess I should have watched those closer! I also chatted with some guests, including the whimsical doggie couture fashion designer, Tennessee-based Linda Higgins. The designer was utterly hilarious and adorable in one of those I-have-no-idea-I’m-an-absolute-riot kind of ways, and I loved her extravagant ensemble and doggie designs. Also, O’More graduate Sarah Lindsey Mallory provided the people fashion designs. Here are some of the shots of the night:

Guests at the silent auction tables:

 I loved this Anthropolgie-ish idea of turning a vintage suitcase into a luxurious pet bed:

 Doggie couture designs by Linda Higgins:
 The tasty treats provided by Bake My Day. The chocolate mint squares were melt-in-your-mouth delicious and the cupcakes were perfection:
Doggie shots:

 I was told this dog has a Facebook page.

 The nights host: Better Nashville's Kacy Hagerty:

 Silent auction painting that sold for $700 to benefit the Rescue:
 Seconds after this picture of doggie couture designer Linda Higgins was taken, she let me hold that indescribably adorable 18-week old puppy for a half hour. The thing fell asleep in my arms immediately. I died a little.
And the fashion show kicks off!
 The dog was not impressed:

 Love this shot of the crowd and it pretty much sums up the reactions throughout the fashion show:

 This dog was BOSS. Everyone had to grab shots of the dog with the most personality:

 This dog was the king of the stare-off. I think he won:

 Your eyes are not deceiving you. Yes, the dog is wearing mini sunglasses:

 End of the night:

Sunday night winded down slowly, as I caught up on bad t.v. and chilled out with a glass of wine. I don't have too much planned for the week, but am looking forward to the RAW event on Thursday night. Hope to see you there!

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