It's 1AM sunday morning, I just about finished typing up all the invoices for the online sales from my online stores. As I am typing each sales invoices, I feel so greatful to be able to make a good living in this bad economy, me & my family are all healthy and happy! As time flies by, I can’t believe how much my life has changed in the past 8 years! There has been good times, laughters & of course there are drama and sadness but so much good has come out of it as well. I am finally learning to live life at the right now! And, almost every day, I am grateful for the life I am leading.

Ok, so if this is sounding a little New-Agey, I supppose it is. In my quest for self-discovery, I’ve been reading a lots of books - in the self-help/spirituality genre particularly - why am I here? kinda stuff. While I do not limite my self to practice just an established religion, I would say that I believe in a greater force of creativity and good that moves through us all, and I know that we are beings with an infinite potential for success and happiness. This is hard to see when life is tough - such as when you are going through a divorce, lost a job, or dealing with toxic interlopers - but it’s true. We were made for joy. Accessing that joy, putting it to work in our lives, is the tough bit. The bit on which I am seeking some guidance - I know I want to be happy and calm, how do I get there?

What’s interesting about life is that, when you start looking for something, there will be tons of that around. You know how it goes - think about planning a wedding and every second magazine has a wedding spread, people around you get engaged, TV adverts use wedding themes etc. So, as I started looking for tools for enhancing the happiness in my life, finding my happy purpose, I have delved into more and more books on the subject. For the sceptics out there, it must be said that "spiritual awakening" literature - books about subjects such as discovering your true self, unlocking your innate power - is a booming industry right now. This is not surprising if you consider the uncertain state of our world. At a time when leaders and institutions can’t provide support or certainty, many people have been compelled to look elsewhere for meaning. And, the gentle, reassuring faces and words of the "spiritual awakening" authors seem to provide this kind of guidance.

Some of the books spoke to me, others not so much. Even tho I am a spiritual kinda dude, and I do believes in angels, fairies, Gods & Goddess the whole 9 years, but I just can't stand those super sugar-coated, totally "Out there" kinda spiritual works and teachers! That’s what research is about. The best thing about reading a range of books is that you can pick and choose what works for you, whether it’s Pema Chodron's Buddhist teaching to reach spiritual enlightenment,
(Pema Chodron's CDs - Available at Caroline Myss’ assurances of the sacred contracts that bind us to each other and how to work with your chakra to balance your energies and health,
(Caroline Myss CDs - Available at Eckhart Tolle’s ideas on stillness and the truth of "being" in the moment,
(Eckhart Tolle’s CDs - Available at Dr. Andrew Weil's ideas on increasing & achiving vitality & health though healthy eating, foods, herbs and breathing.
(Dr. Andrew Weil's CDs - Available at have been fascinated by the strong and basic principles that run through the majority of these books. Principles such as:
- you are innately good, connected to a life force much greater and more powerful than that which we see in our daily lives.
- you have all the answers within you - just listen.
- possessions do not make you who you truly are.
- happiness comes from within, from following one’s true purpose in life.

- do what you love to do, every day, and you will be successful .
- serving yourself (with the best of intentions) will result in you serving others properly.
- you are not your mind (your soul is infinitely more wise and more experienced than the thoughts in your head)
- everything "IS" - there is only the "Now" moment and how you respond to it that counts - the past is over, the future’s not here yet. Enjoy the present!
- balance in action and an unwavering self-belief (the principle of faith or trust, if you will) are the keys to getting what you want out of life.

Mmm, I’ve put some of these principles down here quite simply but they have been profoundly helpful to me in times of crisis or even when I’ve been feeling low.
For now, I’m still reading and learning, reading and learning ….
I've personally selected these audio books from some of my favorite spirtual teachers in our "Zen Garden" section at store to share with our customers. These audio books & spiritual teachers that had helped me to see, think in the new way I've never knew I can! so please come check out our meditation CDs and supplies in our store!
after all these spiritual hard works, it's time to treat myself with some yummy donuts & cakes! YUM! you gotta nurish your tummy so you'll have energy to meditate! hehe :-P
Come back to check out our blogs again to see what other fabulous stuff we've find to share with ya! have a blessed day!
xoxo Alan + Mei-Mei the pug :-)